Source code for Py6S.sixs

# This file is part of Py6S.
# Copyright 2012 Robin Wilson and contributors listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file.
# Py6S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Py6S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Py6S.  If not, see <>.

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .outputs import Outputs
from .Params import (
from .sixs_exceptions import ExecutionError, ParameterError


# Fix for Python 3 where basestring is not available
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    basestring = str

[docs]class SixS(object): """Wrapper for the 6S Radiative Transfer Model. This is the main class which can be used to instantiate an object which has the key methods for running 6S. The most import method in this class is the :meth:`.run` method which writes the 6S input file, runs the model and processes the output. The parameters of the model are set as the attributes of this class, and the outputs are available as attributes under the output attribute. For a simple test to ensure that Py6S has found the correct executable for 6S simply run the :meth:`.test` method of this class:: SixS.Test() Attributes: * ``atmos_profile`` -- The atmospheric profile to use. Should be set to the output of an AtmosProfile method. For example:: s.atmos_profile = AtmosProfile.PredefinedType(AtmosProfile.MidlatitudeSummer) * ``aero_profile`` -- The aerosol profile to use. Should be set to the output of an AeroProfile method. For example:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.PredefinedType(AeroProfile.Urban) * ``ground_reflectance`` -- The ground reflectance to use. Should be set to the output of a GroundReflectance method. For example:: s.ground_reflectance = GroundReflectance.HomogeneousLambertian(0.3) * ``geometry`` -- The geometrical settings, including solar and viewing angles. Should be set to an instance of a Geometry class, which can then have various attributes set. For example:: s.geometry = GeometryUser() s.geometry.solar_z = 35 s.geometry.solar_a = 190 * ``altitudes`` -- The settings for the sensor and target altitudes. This should be set to an instance of the :meth:`.Altitudes` class, which can then have various attributes set. For example:: s.altitudes = Altitudes() s.altitudes.set_target_custom_altitude(2.3) s.altitudes.set_sensor_sea_level() * ``wavelength`` -- The wavelength settings. Should be set to the output of the :meth:`.Wavelength()` method. For example:: s.wavelength = Wavelength(0.550) * ``atmos_corr`` -- The settings for whether to perform atmospheric correction or not, and the parameters for this correction. Should be set to the output of a AtmosCorr method. For example:: s.atmos_corr = AtmosCorr.AtmosCorrLambertianFromReflectance(0.23) * ``aot550`` -- The Aerosol Optical Thickness value (measured at 550nm) to use for the simulation. For example :: s.aot550 = 0.2 Note: only one of ``visibility`` or ``aot550`` can be set. When setting one, ensure the other is set to ``None``. (By default, ``s.visibility`` is set to None, so just setting ``s.aot550`` will work.) * ``visibility`` -- The visibility value (in km) to use for the simulation. For example:: s.visibility = 40 Note: only one of ``visibility`` or ``aot550`` can be set. When setting one, ensure the other is set to ``None``. (By default, ``s.visibility`` is set to None, so to set a visibility value you must also do ``s.aot550 = None``) * ``mie`` -- Optional name for a text file to save the results of the MIE subroutine. This only applies if ``s.aero_profile`` is not a ``AeroProfile.User`` or ``AeroProfile.PredefinedType``. (By default, ``s.mie`` is set to None) """ # Stores the outputs from 6S as an instance of the Outputs class outputs = None min_wv = None max_wv = None __version__ = "1.9.2" def __init__(self, path=None): """Initialises the class and finds the right 6S executable to use. Sets default parameter values (a set of fairly sensible values that will allow a simple test run to be performed), and finds the 6S executable by searching the path. Arguments: * ``path`` -- (Optional) The path to the 6S executable - if not specified then the system PATH and current directory are searched for the executable. """ self.sixs_path = self._find_path(path) self.atmos_profile = AtmosProfile.PredefinedType(AtmosProfile.MidlatitudeSummer) self.aero_profile = AeroProfile.PredefinedType(AeroProfile.Maritime) self.ground_reflectance = GroundReflectance.HomogeneousLambertian(0.3) self.geometry = Geometry.User() self.geometry.solar_z = 32 self.geometry.solar_a = 264 self.geometry.view_z = 23 self.geometry.view_a = 190 = 14 self.geometry.month = 7 self.altitudes = Altitudes() self.altitudes.set_target_sea_level() self.altitudes.set_sensor_sea_level() self.wavelength = Wavelength(0.500) self.aot550 = 0.5 self.visibility = None self.atmos_corr = AtmosCorr.NoAtmosCorr() self.mie = None def _find_path(self, path=None): """Finds the path of the 6S executable. Arguments: * ``path`` -- (Optional) The path to the 6S executable Finds the 6S executable on the system, either using the given path or by searching the system PATH variable and the current directory """ if path is not None: return path else: return ( self._which("sixs.exe") or self._which("sixs") or self._which("sixsV1.1") or self._which("sixsV1.1.exe") ) def _which(self, program): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def _create_geom_lines(self): """Creates the geometry lines for the input file""" return str(self.geometry) def _create_atmos_aero_lines(self): """Creates the atmosphere and aerosol lines for the input file""" return str(self.atmos_profile) + "\n" + str(self.aero_profile) + "\n" def _create_aot_vis_lines(self): """Create the AOT or Visibility lines for the input file""" if not isinstance(self.aero_profile, AeroProfile.UserProfile): # Option to save the output of the MIE subroutine: # only applicable for: # (1) AeroProfile.AerosolDistribution, i.e. it is an instance # of AeroProfile.AerosolDistribution # (2) SunPhotometerDistribution, i.e. it is a string # with more than 2 lines # Not applicable for: # - PredefinedType (string with only one line) # - User (string with exactly two lines) results_str = "0" if not isinstance(self.aero_profile, AeroProfile.AerosolDistribution): if isinstance(self.aero_profile, int): nlines=1 else: nlines = self.aero_profile.count('\n') else: nlines = 2 if(nlines>1): if self.mie is not None: results_str = "1 results saved in %s.mie\n%s\n0" % (self.mie, self.mie) else: results_str = "0 no results saved\n0" # We don't need to set AOT or visibility for a UserProfile, but we do for all others if self.aot550 is not None: return "%s\n%f value\n" % (results_str, self.aot550) elif self.visibility is not None: return "%f\n" % self.visibility else: raise ParameterError( "aot550", "You must set either the AOT at 550nm or the Visibility in km.", ) else: return "" def _create_elevation_lines(self): """Create the elevation lines for the input file""" return str(self.altitudes) def _create_wavelength_lines(self): """Create the wavelength lines for the input file""" return self.wavelength def _create_ground_reflectance_lines(self): """Create the ground reflectance lines for the input file""" return self.ground_reflectance def _create_atmos_corr_lines(self): """Create the atmospheric correction lines for the input file""" return self.atmos_corr def _refls_to_string(self, arr): wavelengths = arr[:, 0] reflectances = arr[:, 1] # Remove the NaN's from the reflectances and wavelengths # so that they are interpolated if necessary wavelengths = wavelengths[~np.isnan(reflectances)] reflectances = reflectances[~np.isnan(reflectances)] # Create an array of the wavelengths that we want to get the reflectances at new_wavelengths = np.arange(self.min_wv, self.max_wv + 0.0025, 0.0025) # We then interpolate to get the right places calc_refl = interp1d(wavelengths, reflectances, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) new_reflectances = calc_refl(new_wavelengths) s = " ".join(map(str, new_reflectances)) return s
[docs] def write_input_file(self, filename=None): """Generates a 6S input file from the parameters stored in the object and writes it to the given filename. The input file is guaranteed to be a valid 6S input file which can be run manually if required """ input_file = self._create_geom_lines() input_file += self._create_atmos_aero_lines() input_file += self._create_aot_vis_lines() input_file += self._create_elevation_lines() # Unlike all of the other functions here, _create_wavelength_lines # returns 3 values: # * The string to go into the input file # * The minimum wavelength # * The maximum wavelength # # If only a single wavelength is given then that wavelength is # given in both min_wv and max_wv - that is, they are equal. input_file += self._create_wavelength_lines()[0] self.min_wv = self._create_wavelength_lines()[1] self.max_wv = self._create_wavelength_lines()[2] # Do replacements of the values within the surface specification # # Some surface specifications require the wavelength to be specified there # as well as in the wavelength part of the file (a clear violation of DRY, but # oh well). We deal with this by putting in the text WV_REPLACE, and then # replacing it with the min and max wavelengths. # ground_reflectance_lines = self._create_ground_reflectance_lines() if isinstance(ground_reflectance_lines, basestring): str_ground_refl = str( ground_reflectance_lines.replace("WV_REPLACE", "%f %f" % (self.min_wv, self.max_wv)) ) else: str_ground_refl = str( ground_reflectance_lines[0].replace( "WV_REPLACE", "%f %f" % (self.min_wv, self.max_wv) ) ) # Furthermore, to deal with spectra from spectral libraries # where the spectra are given as a 2D array of wavelength, reflectance # we need to interpolate to the right spacing # and replace the REFL_REPLACE bit of the string if "REFL_REPLACE_2" in str_ground_refl: new_str = self._refls_to_string(ground_reflectance_lines[2]) str_ground_refl = str_ground_refl.replace("REFL_REPLACE_2", new_str) if "REFL_REPLACE" in str_ground_refl: new_str = self._refls_to_string(ground_reflectance_lines[1]) str_ground_refl = str_ground_refl.replace("REFL_REPLACE", new_str) input_file += str_ground_refl input_file += self._create_atmos_corr_lines() if filename is None: # No filename given, so write to temporary file tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="tmp_Py6S_input_", delete=False) # For Python 3, convert to Byte if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: tmp_file.file.write(bytes(input_file, "utf-8")) else: tmp_file.file.write(input_file) name = tmp_file.close() else: f = open(filename, "w") f.write(input_file) name = filename f.close() return name
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the 6S model and stores the outputs in the output variable. May raise an :class:`.ExecutionError` if the 6S executable cannot be found.""" if self.sixs_path is None: raise ExecutionError("6S executable not found.") # Create the input file as a temporary file tmp_file_name = self.write_input_file() # Run the process and get the stdout from it process = subprocess.Popen( "%s < %s" % (self.sixs_path, tmp_file_name), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) outputs = process.communicate() self.outputs = Outputs(outputs[0], outputs[1]) # Remove the temporary file os.remove(tmp_file_name) if self.outputs.version != SIXSVERSION: raise ExecutionError("Running unsupported 6SV version. Py6S requires 6SV1.1")
[docs] def produce_debug_report(self): """Prints out information about the configuration of Py6S generally, and the current SixS object specifically, which will be useful when debugging problems.""" import datetime import platform import sys print("Py6S Debugging Report") print("---------------------") print("Run on %s" % (str( print("Platform: %s" % (platform.platform())) print("Python version: %s" % (sys.version.split("\n")[0])) print("Py6S version: %s" % (self.__version__)) print("---------------------") self.test() print("---------------------") fname = self.write_input_file() with open(fname) as f: contents = f.readlines() print("".join(contents))
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls, path=None): """Runs a simple test to ensure that 6S and Py6S are installed correctly.""" test = cls(path) print("6S wrapper script by Robin Wilson") sixs_path = test._find_path(path) if sixs_path is None: print("Error: cannot find the sixs executable in $PATH or current directory.") else: print("Using 6S located at %s" % sixs_path) print("Running 6S using a set of test parameters") print("6sV version: %s" % (test.outputs.version)) assert ( test.outputs.version == SIXSVERSION ), "Unsupported 6sV version: {0}. Need version {1}".format( test.outputs.version, SIXSVERSION ) print("The results are:") print("Expected result: %f" % 619.158) print("Actual result: %f" % test.outputs.diffuse_solar_irradiance) if np.abs((test.outputs.diffuse_solar_irradiance - 619.158) < 0.01): print("#### Results agree, Py6S is working correctly") return 0 else: return 1