Source code for Py6S.Params.aeroprofile

# This file is part of Py6S.
# Copyright 2012 Robin Wilson and contributors listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file.
# Py6S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Py6S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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import sys
from collections import defaultdict

# from sixs_exceptions import *
from Py6S.sixs_exceptions import ParameterError

[docs]class AeroProfile: """Class representing options for Aerosol Profiles""" NoAerosols = 0 Continental = 1 Maritime = 2 Urban = 3 Desert = 5 BiomassBurning = 6 Stratospheric = 7
[docs] @classmethod def PredefinedType(cls, type): """Set 6S to use a predefined aerosol type, one of the constants defined in this class. Arguments: * ``type`` -- the predefined aerosol type, one of the constants defined in this class Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.PredefinedType(AeroProfile.Urban) """ return "%d" % type
[docs] @classmethod def FromMieFile(cls, mie_file): """Set 6S to use pre-computed outputs of the MIE subroutine written to a text file. This corresponds to using option iaer=12 in sixs. Arguments: * ``mie_file`` -- the name of the text file containing the outputs of the MIE subroutine. Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.FromMieFile(mie_file = 'FILE.mie') """ if not mie_file.endswith('.mie'): mie_file = mie_file + '.mie' return "12 from pre-computed mie file\n%s" % mie_file
[docs] @classmethod def User(cls, **kwargs): """Set 6S to use a user-defined aerosol profile based on proportions of standard aerosol components. The profile is set as a mixture of pre-defined components, each given as an optional keyword. Not all keywords need to be given, but the values for the keywords given must sum to 1, or a ParameterError will be raised. Optional keywords: * ``dust`` -- The proportion of dust-like aerosols * ``water`` -- The proportion of water-like aerosols * ``oceanic`` -- The proportion of oceanic aerosols * ``soot`` -- The proportion of soot-like aerosols Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.User(dust=0.3, oceanic=0.7) s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.User(soot = 0.1, water = 0.3, oceanic = 0.05, dust = 0.55) """ d = defaultdict(lambda: 0, kwargs) dust = d["dust"] water = d["water"] oceanic = d["oceanic"] soot = d["soot"] if ((dust + water + oceanic + soot) - 1) > 0.01: raise ParameterError("Aerosol Profile", "User aerosol components don't sum to 1.0") return "4 (User's Components)\n%f, %f, %f, %f" % (dust, water, oceanic, soot)
[docs] @classmethod def MultimodalLogNormalDistribution(cls, rmin, rmax): """Set 6S to use a Multimodal Log-Normal distribution. Arguments: * ``rmin`` -- The minimum aerosol radius * ``rmax`` -- The maximum aerosol radius This returns an :class:`.AerosolDistribution` object. Components can then be added to this distribution using the :meth:`.add_component` method of the returned class. Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.MultimodalLogNormalDistribution(0.1, 0.3) s.aero_profile.add_component(...) """ return cls.AerosolDistribution(rmin, rmax, 8)
[docs] @classmethod def ModifiedGammaDistribution(cls, rmin, rmax): """Set 6S to use a Modified Gamma distribution. Arguments: * ``rmin`` -- The minimum aerosol radius * ``rmax`` -- The maximum aerosol radius This returns an :class:`.AerosolDistribution` object. Components can then be added to this distribution using the :meth:`.add_component` method of the returned class. Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.ModifiedGammaDistribution(0.1, 0.3) s.aero_profile.add_component(...) """ return cls.AerosolDistribution(rmin, rmax, 9)
[docs] @classmethod def JungePowerLawDistribution(cls, rmin, rmax): """Set 6S to use a Junge Power Law distribution. Arguments: * ``rmin`` -- The minimum aerosol radius * ``rmax`` -- The maximum aerosol radius This returns an :class:`.AerosolDistribution` object. Components can then be added to this distribution using the :meth:`.add_component` method of the returned class. Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.JungePowerLawDistribution(0.1, 0.3) s.aero_profile.add_component(...) """ return cls.AerosolDistribution(rmin, rmax, 10)
[docs] @classmethod def SunPhotometerDistribution(cls, r, dvdlogr, refr_real, refr_imag): """Set 6S to use an aerosol parameterisation from Sun Photometer measurements. The real and imaginary parts of the refractive indices must be input at the following wavelengths (given in micrometers): 0.350, 0.400, 0.412, 0.443, 0.470, 0.488, 0.515, 0.550, 0.590, 0.633, 0.670, 0.694, 0.760, 0.860, 1.240, 1.536, 1.650, 1.950, 2.250, 3.750 Arguments: * ``r`` -- A list of radius measurements from a sun photometer (microns) * ``dvdlogr`` -- A list of dV/d(logr) measurements from a sun photometer, for the radiuses as above (cm^3/cm^2/micron) * ``refr_real`` -- A list containing the real part of the refractive indices for each of the 20 wavelengths (above). If a single float value is given then the value is treated as constant for all wavelengths. * ``refr_imag`` -- A list containing the imaginary part of the refractive indices for each of the 20 wavelengths (above). If a single float value is given then the value is treated as constant for all wavelengths. """ header = "11 (Sun Photometric Distribution)\n" # Check lengths of r and dvdlorg are the same if len(r) != len(dvdlogr): raise ParameterError("R and dV/d(log r)", "These must be the same length") num = "%d\n" % len(r) ds = "" comp = "" for i in range(len(r)): ds += "%f %f\n" % (r[i], dvdlogr[i]) try: if type(refr_real) is float: refr_real = [refr_real] * 20 elif len(refr_real) != 20: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Real Refractive Index", "You must specify the real part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) except TypeError: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Imaginary Refractive Index", "You must specify the imaginary part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) try: if type(refr_imag) is float: refr_imag = [refr_imag] * 20 elif len(refr_imag) != 20: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Imaginary Refractive Index", "You must specify the imaginary part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) except TypeError: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Imaginary Refractive Index", "You must specify the imaginary part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) real = map(str, refr_real) imag = map(str, refr_imag) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: real = list(real) imag = list(imag) comp += " ".join(real) + "\n" comp += " ".join(imag) + "\n" return header + num + ds + comp #+ "0 no results saved"
[docs] class AerosolDistribution: """Stores data regarding a specific Aerosol Distribution. Used by the following methods: * :meth:`.MultimodalLogNormalDistribution` * :meth:`.ModifiedGammaDistribution` * :meth:`.JungePowerLawDistribution` """ def __init__(self, rmin, rmax, numtype): """Initialise an Aerosol Distribution with various parameters. Should not be called directly - use one of the methods like AeroProfile.MultimodalLogNormalDistribution() instead. Arguments: * ``rmin`` -- The minimum aerosol radius * ``rmax`` -- The maximum aerosol radius * ``numtype`` -- The type of aerosol distribution (eg. 8 for Multimodal Log Normal) """ self.rmin = rmin self.rmax = rmax self.numtype = numtype self.values = []
[docs] def add_component(self, rmean, sigma, percentage_density, refr_real, refr_imag): """Adds a component to the aerosol distribution. Wavelength dependent values must be input at the following wavelengths (given in micrometers): 0.350, 0.400, 0.412, 0.443, 0.470, 0.488, 0.515, 0.550, 0.590, 0.633, 0.670, 0.694, 0.760, 0.860, 1.240, 1.536, 1.650, 1.950, 2.250, 3.750 Arguments: * ``rmean`` -- The mean radius of the aerosols * ``sigma`` -- Sigma, as defined by the distribution (Log Normal etc) * ``percentage_density`` -- The percentage density of the aerosol * ``refr_real`` -- A 20-element iterable giving the real part of the refractive indices at the specified wavelengths (see above) * ``refr_imag`` -- A 20-element iterable giving the imaginary part of the refractive indices at the specified wavelengths (see above) """ if len(self.values) >= 4: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution components", "You can only add a maximum of 4 components", ) if len(refr_real) != 20: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Real Refractive Index", "You must specify the real part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) if len(refr_imag) != 20: raise ParameterError( "Aerosol Distribution Imaginary Refractive Index", "You must specify the imaginary part of the Refractive Index at 20 wavelengths.", ) comp = "%f %f %f\n" % (rmean, sigma, percentage_density) real = map(str, refr_real) imag = map(str, refr_imag) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: real = list(real) imag = list(imag) comp += " ".join(real) + "\n" comp += " ".join(imag) + "\n" self.values.append(comp)
def __str__(self): result = "%d\n%f %f %d\n" % ( self.numtype, self.rmin, self.rmax, len(self.values), ) components = "".join(self.values) return result + components #+ "0 no results saved"
[docs] class UserProfile: """Set 6S to use a user-defined aerosol profile, with differing AOTs over the height of the profile. Arguments: * ``atype`` -- Aerosol type to be used for all layers. Must be one of the pre-defined types defined in this class. Methods: * :meth:`.add_layer` -- Adds a layer to the user-defined aerosol profile, with the specified height and aerosol optical thickness. Example usage:: s.aero_profile = AeroProfile.UserProfile(AeroProfile.Maritime) s.aero_profile.add_layer(5, 0.34) # Add a 5km-thick layer with an AOT of 0.34 s.aero_profile.add_layer(10, 0.7) # Add a 10km-thick layer with an AOT of 0.7 s.aero_profile.add_layer(100, 0.01) # Add a 100km-thick layer with an AOT of 0.01 """ def __init__(self, atype): """Initialises the user-defined aerosol profile to a specific aerosol type. Arguments: * ``atype`` -- Aerosol type to be used for all layers. Must be one of the pre-defined types defined in this class. """ self.aerotype = atype self.values = []
[docs] def add_layer(self, height, optical_thickness): """Adds a layer to the user-defined profile. Arguments: * ``height`` -- Height of the layer (in km) * ``optical_thickness`` -- Optical thickness of the layer Example usage:: s.aero_profile.add_layer(5, 0.34) # Add a 5km-thick layer with an AOT of 0.34 """ self.values.append((height, optical_thickness))
def __str__(self): res = "-1 Aerosol model (type) and profile\n%d\n" % len(self.values) for val in self.values: res += "%f %f %d\n" % (val[0], val[1], self.aerotype) return res