Source code for Py6S.outputs

# This file is part of Py6S.
# Copyright 2012 Robin Wilson and contributors listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file.
# Py6S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Py6S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Py6S.  If not, see <>.

import sys

from .sixs_exceptions import OutputParsingError

[docs]class Outputs(object): """Stores the output from a 6S run. Attributes: * ``fulltext`` -- The full output of the 6S executable. This can be written to a file with the write_output_file method. * ``values`` -- The main outputs from the 6S run, stored in a dictionary. Accessible either via standard dictionary notation (``s.outputs.values['pixel_radiance']``) or as attributes (``s.outputs.pixel_radiance``) Methods: * :meth:`.__init__` -- Constructor which takes the stdout and stderr from the model and processes it into the numerical outputs. * :meth:`.extract_results` -- Function called by the constructor to parse the output into individual variables * :meth:`.to_int` -- Convert a string to an int, so that it works even if passed a float. * :meth:`.write_output_file` -- Write the full textual output of the 6S model to a file. """ # Stores the full textual output from 6S fulltext = "" # Stores the numerical values extracted from the textual output as a dictionary def __init__(self, stdout, stderr): """Initialise the class with the stdout output from the model, and process it into the numerical outputs. Arguments: * ``stdout`` -- Standard output from the model run * ``stderr`` -- Standard error from the model run Will raise an :class:`.OutputParsingError` if the output cannot be parsed for any reason. """ self.values = {} self.trans = {} self.rat = {} if len(stderr) > 0: # Something on standard error - so there's been an error if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") import platform if platform.system() != "Darwin": print(stderr) raise OutputParsingError( "6S returned an error (shown above) - check for invalid parameter inputs" ) elif ( (platform.system() == "Darwin") and (not ("IEEE_INVALID_FLAG" in stderr)) and (not ("IEEE_DENORMAL" in stderr)) and (not ("IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG" in stderr)) ): # Ignoring error on MacOS IEEE_INVALID_FLAG print(stderr) raise OutputParsingError( "6S returned an error (shown above) - check for invalid parameter inputs" ) self.fulltext = stdout # For Python 3 need to decode to string if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: self.fulltext = self.fulltext.decode() self.extract_results() def __getattr__(self, name): """Executed when an attribute is referenced and not found. This method is overridden to allow the user to access the outputs as ``outputs.variable`` rather than using the dictionary explicity""" if name == "__array_struct__" or name == "__array_interface__" or name == "__array__": raise AttributeError() # If there is a key with this name in the standard variables field then use it if name in self.values: return self.values[name] else: # If not, then split it by .'s items = name.split("_") if items[0] == "transmittance": return self.trans["_".join(items[1:])] else: if name in self.rat: return self.rat[name] else: raise OutputParsingError("The specifed output variable does not exist.") def __dir__(self): # Returns list of the attributes that I want to tab-complete on that aren't actually attributes, for IPython trans_keys = ["transmittance_" + key for key in self.trans.keys()] rat_keys = self.rat.keys() all_keys = list(self.values.keys()) + list(trans_keys) + list(rat_keys) return sorted(all_keys)
[docs] def extract_results(self): """Extract the results from the text output of the model and place them in the ``values`` dictionary.""" # Remove all of the *'s from the text as they just make it look pretty # and get in the way of analysing the output fulltext = self.fulltext.replace("*", "") # Split into lines lines = fulltext.splitlines() # There should be hundreds of lines for a full 6S run - so if there are # less than 10 then it suggests something has gone seriously wrong if len(lines) < 10: print(fulltext) raise OutputParsingError( "6S didn't return a full output. See raw 6S output above for " "more information and check for invalid parameter inputs" ) CURRENT = 0 WHOLE_LINE = (0, 30) # fmt: off # The dictionary below specifies how to extract each variable from the text output # of 6S. # The dictionary key is the text to search for. When this is found, the line corresponding # to the first value in the tuple is found. If this is CURRENT (ie. 0) then it is the line on which # the text was found, if it is 1 then it is the next line, 2 the one after that etc. # The next item in the tuple is the index of the split line to extract the value from, and the # third item is the key to store it in in the values dictionary. The final item is the type to convert # it to - the type conversion function must be specified. More specific functions such as math.floor can # be used here if desired. # Search Term Line Index DictKey Type extractors = {"6SV version": (CURRENT, 2, "version", str), "month": (CURRENT, 1, "month", self.to_int), "day": (CURRENT, 4, "day", self.to_int), "solar zenith angle": (CURRENT, 3, "solar_z", self.to_int), "solar azimuthal angle": (CURRENT, 8, "solar_a", self.to_int), "view zenith angle": (CURRENT, 3, "view_z", self.to_int), "view azimuthal angle": (CURRENT, 8, "view_a", self.to_int), "scattering angle": (CURRENT, 2, "scattering_angle", float), "azimuthal angle difference": (CURRENT, 7, "azimuthal_angle_difference", float), "optical condition identity": (1, WHOLE_LINE, "visibility", self.extract_vis), "optical condition": (1, WHOLE_LINE, "aot550", self.extract_aot), "ground pressure": (CURRENT, 3, "ground_pressure", float), "ground altitude": (CURRENT, 3, "ground_altitude", float), "appar. rad.(w/m2/sr/mic)": (CURRENT, 2, "apparent_reflectance", float), "appar. rad.": (CURRENT, 5, "apparent_radiance", float), "total gaseous transmittance": (CURRENT, 3, "total_gaseous_transmittance", float), "wv above aerosol": (CURRENT, 4, "wv_above_aerosol", float), "wv mixed with aerosol": (CURRENT, 10, "wv_mixed_with_aerosol", float), "wv under aerosol": (CURRENT, 4, "wv_under_aerosol", float), "% of irradiance": (2, 0, "percent_direct_solar_irradiance", float), "% of irradiance at": (2, 1, "percent_diffuse_solar_irradiance", float), "% of irradiance at ground level": (2, 2, "percent_environmental_irradiance", float), "reflectance at satellite level": (2, 0, "atmospheric_intrinsic_reflectance", float), "reflectance at satellite lev": (2, 1, "background_reflectance", float), "reflectance at satellite l": (2, 2, "pixel_reflectance", float), "irr. at ground level": (2, 0, "direct_solar_irradiance", float), "irr. at ground level (w/": (2, 1, "diffuse_solar_irradiance", float), "irr. at ground level (w/m2/mic)": (2, 2, "environmental_irradiance", float), "rad at satel. level": (2, 0, "atmospheric_intrinsic_radiance", float), "rad at satel. level (w/m2/": (2, 1, "background_radiance", float), "rad at satel. level (w/m2/sr/mic)": (2, 2, "pixel_radiance", float), "sol. spect (in w/m2/mic)": (1, 0, "solar_spectrum", float), "measured radiance [w/m2/sr/mic]": (CURRENT, 4, "measured_radiance", float), "atmospherically corrected reflectance": (1, 3, "atmos_corrected_reflectance_lambertian", float), "atmospherically corrected reflect": (2, 3, "atmos_corrected_reflectance_brdf", float), "coefficients xa": (CURRENT, 5, "coef_xa", float), "coefficients xa xb": (CURRENT, 6, "coef_xb", float), "coefficients xa xb xc": (CURRENT, 7, "coef_xc", float), "int. funct filter (in mic)": (1, 0, 'int_funct_filt', float), "int. sol. spect (in w/m2)": (1, 1, 'int_solar_spectrum', float), "Foam:": (CURRENT, 1, "water_component_foam", float), "Water:": (CURRENT, 3, "water_component_water", float), "Glint:": (CURRENT, 5, "water_component_glint", float), "app. polarized refl.": (CURRENT, 3, "apparent_polarized_reflectance", float), "app. pol. rad.": (CURRENT, 8, "apparent_polarized_radiance", float), "direction of the plane of polarization": (CURRENT, -1, "direction_of_plane_of_polarization", lambda x: float(x.replace("polarization", ""))), "total polarization ratio": (CURRENT, 3, "total_polarization_ratio", float) } # fmt: on # Process most variables in the output for index in range(len(lines)): current_line = lines[index] for label, details in extractors.items(): # If the label we're searching for is in the current line if label.lower() in current_line.lower(): # See if the data is in the current line (as specified above) if details[0] == CURRENT: extracting_line = current_line # Otherwise, work out which line to use and get it else: extracting_line = lines[index + details[0]] funct = details[3] items = extracting_line.split() try: a = details[1][0] b = details[1][1] except Exception: a = details[1] b = details[1] + 1 if a == -1: data_for_func = items[a] else: data_for_func = items[a:b] if len(data_for_func) == 1: data_for_func = data_for_func[0] try: self.values[details[2]] = funct(data_for_func) except Exception: self.values[details[2]] = float("nan") # Process big grid in the middle of the output for transmittances grid_extractors = { "global gas. trans. :": "global_gas", 'water " " :': "water", 'ozone " " :': "ozone", 'co2 " " :': "co2", 'oxyg " " :': "oxygen", 'no2 " " :': "no2", 'ch4 " " :': "ch4", 'co " " :': "co", "rayl. sca. trans. :": "rayleigh_scattering", 'aeros. sca. " :': "aerosol_scattering", 'total sca. " :': "total_scattering", } for index in range(len(lines)): current_line = lines[index] for search, name in grid_extractors.items(): # If the label we're searching for is in the current line if search in current_line: items = current_line.split() values = Transmittance() try: values.downward = float(items[4]) except ValueError: values.downward = float("nan") try: values.upward = float(items[5]) except ValueError: values.upward = float("nan") try: = float(items[6]) except ValueError: = float("nan") self.trans[name] = values # Process big grid in the middle of the output for transmittances bottom_grid_extractors = { "spherical albedo :": "spherical_albedo", "optical depth total:": "optical_depth_total", "optical depth plane:": "optical_depth_plane", "reflectance I :": "reflectance_I", "reflectance Q :": "reflectance_Q", "reflectance U :": "reflectance_U", "polarized reflect. :": "polarized_reflectance", # 'degree of polar. :' : "degree_of_polarization", "dir. plane polar. :": "direction_of_plane_polarization", "phase function I :": "phase_function_I", "phase function Q :": "phase_function_Q", "phase function U :": "phase_function_U", "primary deg. of pol:": "primary_degree_of_polarization", "sing. scat. albedo :": "single_scattering_albedo", } for index in range(len(lines)): current_line = lines[index] for search, name in bottom_grid_extractors.items(): # If the label we're searching for is in the current line if search in current_line: items = current_line.rsplit(None, 3) values = RayleighAerosolTotal() try: = float(items[3]) except ValueError: = float("nan") try: values.aerosol = float(items[2]) except ValueError: values.aerosol = float("nan") try: values.rayleigh = float(items[1]) except ValueError: values.rayleigh = float("nan") self.rat[name] = values
[docs] def to_int(self, str): """Converts a string to an integer. Does this by converting to float and then converting that to int, meaning that converting "5.00" to an integer will actually work. Arguments: * ``str`` -- The string containing the number to convert to an integer """ return int(float(str))
[docs] def extract_vis(self, data): """Extracts the visibility from the visibility and AOT line in the output""" s = " ".join(data) spl = s.split(":") spl2 = spl[1].split() try: value = float(spl2[0]) except ValueError: value = float("Inf") return value
[docs] def extract_aot(self, data): """Extracts the AOT from the visibility and AOT line in the output.""" s = " ".join(data) spl = s.split(":") return float(spl[2])
[docs] def write_output_file(self, filename): """Writes the full textual output of the 6S model run to the specified filename. Arguments: * ``filename`` -- The filename to write the output to """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self.fulltext)
class Transmittance(object): """Stores transmittance values from the 6S output. Basically a simple class storing three attributes: * ``downward`` -- Transmittance downwards * ``upward`` -- Transmittance upwards * ``total`` -- Total transmittance """ downward = float("nan") upward = float("nan") total = float("nan") def __str__(self): return "Downward: %f, Upward: %f, Total: %f" % ( self.downward, self.upward,, ) class RayleighAerosolTotal(object): rayleigh = float("nan") aerosol = float("nan") total = float("nan") def __str__(self): return "Rayleigh: %f, Aerosol: %f, Total: %f" % ( self.rayleigh, self.aerosol,, )